Photo by the incredible Kayla Northrop.
More than a copyeditor…
I'm a Type-A, organized researcher who loves reading, writing, cooking, and hanging with my crew.
I live in the Pacific Northwest. I love it for its various landscapes and easy access to water.
I attended Washington State University, where I first fell in love with copyediting and proofreading while working at WSU's writing center as a tutor. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in English.
Upon graduating, I quickly realized that teaching middle and high school kids was not for me and found a job selling data storage. While I didn't love cold calling (talk about something that gives me sweaty palms!!), I discovered that I had a knack for marketing and advertising. So I landed a job at a direct advertising firm working in traditional media.
Turns out that I was in the right place at the right time as the firm was just beginning to test direct advertising in digital media. I was given the opportunity to test ads on Hulu, and after a moderately successful campaign, I was promoted to "New Media Specialist."
I worked at that firm for a few years and quit to become a stay-at-home mom right after my oldest's first birthday when I realized the phrase "the days are long, but the years are short" is true.
Fast forward five years and one other child later, and it was time to put all the marketing strategy and grammar books I read while a stay-at-home mom to good use. I started Sojourner and Keeper in the Spring of 2017, right before life threw us some major curve-balls.
I love hanging with my hubby (a feat after 10+ years of marriage), LOVE having grade school-age kids (all the praise hands for getting through the toddler years!), and feel like I finally figured out how to not drown in laundry. (I'll share my tips if you would like.)
Still want to know more?
Below are some popular blog posts to get you started. Or if you would like to head straight to the blog, click the "Blog" tab in the header, and explore the blog on your own.
The Genesis: Inviting a Homeless Family into Our Home
A Prepared Heart: Five Steps I Took That Prepared Me to Host a Homeless Family for Eight Months